31 October 2009

one rainy night and a good movie


it was 7:00 in the evening and the rain hadn't stopped. i had done a lot of reading and surfing the net, and PBB was still three hours away.

then i remembered. stashed somewhere in my room are DVDs and CDs that i haven't watched though they were sent to me by friends years ago. i took all the unwatched discs, set them facedown on my bed and shuffled them. then i looked at the ceiling as my hand groped for that one single disc that would keep me company for the night.

"The Pianist" it was!

with all the horrors of the Holocaust it depicted, it was a hard film to watch. But the scene that made me cry was the one showing Szpilman, the titular protagonist, giving a haunting performance in front of a German officer who had discovered his hideaway. For me, it was the film's strongest scene as it restored Szpilman's integrity as an artist, while giving a dash of humanity to the German officer.

really, there's nothing like a good movie on a rainy night.

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