20 January 2011


Back in the 70s when cyber porn was still unheard of, the favorite game of pubescent males was “manhangad”. This “spectator sport" is in pursuit of prurient interest and requires daring and the ability to fade in the dark like a shadow.

Literally “manhangad” is a Tagon-on verb that means “to look up”, but colloquially it connotes engaging in Tom’s favorite pastime---peeping! As action word, “manhangad” has become archaic and its contemporary equivalent is “mamaklad”.

As a nocturnal sport, manhangad’s golden era was in the 70s, when Tago had yet no electricity, and most houses were built high from the ground. Because the floors of these houses were made of wooden planks or bamboo slats nailed not close to each other, there were gaps galore. The better for Tom to peep!

Also during this time, most toilets were nothing but a hole in the floor affair, and to relieve themselves Tagon-ons had to squat. While at it, they did anything like reading Bisaya or Liwayway, gazing at the contour of their genitals and combing their pubic hairs for nits and lice, or watching pigs down below looking up, waiting for manna to fall. For Tagon-ons doing it in outhouses built above sea water, things were no different except that it was some fish that snatched everything that came splashing.

(to be continued...)


  1. hi k_spy!
    where/what's the elitista here? (accdg to my cuz)
    beautifully written...
    i remember the old house of Lolo Fidel, the outhouse literally was at the same time condominium/townhouse nan mga baboy. no it doesnt have a hole in the floor, but a commode made of hard wood ala "throne" with all the carvings on it. kan Popo Tato kuno yadto.

    the catch here is ... voyeurism too evolves!

  2. hi, gingot.

    thank you for taking the time to visit my blog, but thank you even more for leaving a comment. wish other lurkers would do the same.

    a few have been texting me when will be the next installment. honestly, i can't tell because even as i write this, am looking for my next "manhangad" material. am so thankful to tito vols luna and 'yo david patrimonio for giving me inputs.

    aduy kasayang nan adton commode wara sa ka kodaki. ;p

    an isa raba ngad-on na character silingan ni Lolo Fidel. laong pa ni sibuling: TUKDA! ;P
