02 June 2009

family day

cagwait white beach at its most pristine.

because my stint with a coal mining firm shortly after graduation doesn't count, my present work is technically my first. and i’m proud of my office despite people's sweeping generalization of government agencies being inefficient, corrupt, or both.

what makes me love my office more is that it values people as, well, people. and this it demonstrates best each time we have our annual family day.

half a full moon ago, we, along with our respective families, had an overnight stay at cagwait white beach. and as always, kids and adults alike enjoyed the sun, the sea, and the sand. really, one can't have enough of cagwait’s allure.

my office always ensures that during our family day, nobody goes home empty handed. and so more than the nice food and an even nicer company, we learned new skills. on the first day, nurses from the Philippine National Red Cross made a lecture-demo on Basic Life Support and CPR. the next day we had a young budding painter, ryan novo, teaching kids basic art lessons.

an officemate doing chest compression on a manananggal.

art-attacked kids.

tired and sunburned, we went home thanking god for making us part of an office that gives us a sense of family and home.

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