26 January 2011

manhangad, part three

Islaw was a proud and self-proclaimed voyeur who talked about his exploits like they were part of his curriculum vitae. His notoriety was such that newbies groveled before him for tips on where and when to go, what to do and wear.

Islaw’s shrine was Endong’s house. What made this bungalow a natural magnet for perverts were Endong’s three pretty daughters and a secret slit in the toilet. Secret because Endong and his family didn’t know about it!

Among Endong’s daughters, it was the middle that Islaw lusted after the most because she had a skin like a debarked cassava, a tone she got from her father. The eldest and youngest, while lovelier, had the morena skin of their mother. More than chicos, Islaw liked singkamas!

The secret slit in Endong’s toilet was angled in such a way that a peeper could see nothing of the face or the head of his victims, only a portion of their back and a full leg as they sat on the bowl. But when these targets stood up, that was the time a voyeur could get a glimpse at their buttocks. But since all perverts have fertile imagination, it was all the peeper needed to shoot his sexual rocket to orbit and go big bang!

For the longest time Islaw had been wishing for that rare moment with Endong’s elder daughter. Though he had tried many times, he never got lucky. Still he kept on coming back, knowing that peeping is like fishing: you need to be in the right place at the right time!

It’s all about timing, he kept reminding himself. Then one night, the King of Peep finally smiled at him.

The mere sight of a glowing thigh and leg made Islaw weak in the knees. But knowing the moment to be fleeting, he got down to work pronto, summoning all mental images of her while letting his right hand acquire a life of its own.

After a while his quarry moved and rose.

Islaw stood transfixed, his eyes glued to the pleasing sight before him. And knowing the end of the show was near, his right hand went berserk. But then the body turned sideways---toward Islaw’s line of vision---and stooped to get the dipper.

Islaw exploded. Even if his eyes were glued to the scrotum of Endong!

to be continued...

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